Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Willie Nelson Hits NYC for Farm Aid

Willie Nelson is “on the road again,” this time in his biodiesel tour bus headed to Farm Aid in NYC at Randalls Island on September 9th. Farm Aid co-founders Willie Nelson and John Mellencamp made the announcement with Mayor Michael Bloomberg at Union Square, which has a renowned fresh-produce market. Farm Aid concerts have raised more than $30 million for farmers since 1985. And with all the recent hoopla about eating local and going organic, local groups are in a prime area to benefit.

According to the folks at Sustainable Table (who are well known for the Eat Well Guide and The Meatrix), one of the groups that Farm Aid is supporting in NYC is Just Food, a fantastic organization that has helped set up all the city’s CSA (community supported agriculture) programs and does a lot of work with growing food in the city.
But the green doesn’t stop there, the Mayor is talking a big talk when it come to making NYC more sustainable including cutting greenhouse gas emissions, using biodiesel for city vehicles, and supporting small farmers. We can only hope that Farm Aid along with the people of NYC will keep the Mayor committed to his word.

The lineup includes Nelson, Mellencamp, Neil Young and Dave Matthews.

Nelson captured the enthusiasm best: “We’re so happy that y’all have invited us, Farm Aid, to New York City,” Nelson said. “More people eat probably around here than anywhere in the world.”

Check out Farmaid.org for more info.

Thanks Linton for the tip! Crosspost with ecorazzi.

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